Home Office Computer

Why You Should Upgrade Your Computer Versus Buy New

Buying a new computer is not always the best solution to fixing your computer’s outdated hardware. Sometimes, you can solve your computer’s problem and save hundreds of dollars by upgrading a few parts. The first step is to figure out exactly what is bugging you. As an IT administrator, many of my clients come to me because of slow data processing, limited networking, or insufficient memory. I see most people run to their local retailer to buy the trendiest new desktop or laptop that they think will fix all of their productivity problems. Surprisingly, buying a flashy new device is not always the best option!

Home Office Computer

4 Benefits of Upgrading Your PC, Rather than Buying New

Save money

When we bought a laptop a decade ago, we had to spend at least $1,000 for a basic processing system. Now we can get a budget laptop for under $500. Unfortunately, most budget computers have a maximum of 4GB of RAM, with rudimentary CD/DVD software, and memory. Most of us will be forced to upgrade our software, even on new computers, to get the services that we need.

For example, gaming computers can require up to 12 GB of RAM. You can by an extra 4GB of memory for under $40.00 from Kingston Hyper X Blu. Spending the extra $40.00 on a memory stick is much cheaper than buying a new computer with more memory built in.

Upgrading can save you hundreds of dollars. New monitors can run for less than $100. You don’t always need a new processor to get the computer that you need.

More choices

There are thousands of computer parts available to customize your computer. You have the option between different brands, sizes of GB, and price. I have worked in IT for over 15 years and seen the evolution of computer hardware, including good ol’ floppy discs! One of the most interesting parts of my job has been customizing client’s computer differently with the hardware that they need. When I help you upgrade your computer, you are making an investment on the hardware that works best for you –not the other guys.

Hardware Upgrades that Can Improve Your Productivity

  • Larger RAM, between 4GB to 8GB
  • Hard drive, for faster data retrieval
  • Video card, increasing speed and improving visuals
  • Processor, to smoothly handle multi-tasking
  • Monitor, to increase screen size or improve resolution

Environmentally friendly

We frequently throw away computer parts that contains toxic waste which pollutes the environment. In 2009, discarded televisions, computers, and peripherals, including printers scanners, and fax machines, amounted to 2.37 million short tons. Your discarded computer parts can leak chemicals and waste precious metals, such as gold and silver. E-waste is a quickly growing source of waste in America. Only 12.5% of e-waste is being recycled. Nevertheless, mobile carriers, such as Verizon, are now offering e-waste recycling programs that will reimburse you if you recycle your mobile device.

Upgrading your computer is more environmentally friendly. If you choose to buy a new computer, government regulated computer recycling programs can help you properly dispose of old computers and parts.

Better component quality

Your new budget computer will probably only have mediocre components that do the job. If you upgrade your computer, you can choose higher quality brands for longer and more reliable lifecycles.

Top Brands to Replace Your Computer Hardware

An IT administrator can help you determine what hardware helps achieves your business goals. After recognizing exactly what you need, we will then find the highest quality product that fits your budget.

When we have problems with our computers than the first solution that we often jump to is buy a whole new processor. Instead, you can save hundreds of dollars by upgrading only the components that you need.
On the other hand, upgrading your computer is not always the best option. Computers that are over four years old often have outdated hardware that would be too expensive to replace. Look at the modern technology and the status of your hardware before deciding whether to purchase or upgrade your device.

3 Reasons to Buy a New Computer

  • Your computer features internal card slots to expand the capabilities of the system, which has been replaced for fast external peripheral ports
  • You want to update your laptop with a larger screen for higher productivity
  • Your computer is over four years old and the amount of hardware that you need upgraded would be costly

When my clients are annoyed with their computer’s performance, my first question is “what are your goals with the device?” From there, we can determine whether you should buy or upgrade your device. Upgrading your computer can provide you with benefits that buying a new computer does not. Before running to your local technology retailer, figure out the problem with your workstation to improve your productivity.